Export Pre-Financing credit in partnership with Bpifrance Assurance Export
You are a French exporter and you want to finance the cash requirements related to the fulfillment of your commercial export contracts.
Opt for Export pre-financing credit offered by Crédit Agricole Group and backed by the pre-financing guarantee of Bpifrance Assurance Export* (formerly Coface public guarantees).
*Bpifrance Assurance Export manages on behalf of the State guarantees intended to favour French exports.
Basic principles
Export pre-financing is credit for financing the expenses that your company must incur to honour a contract signed for export. It is backed by the Bpifrance Assurance Export (ex Coface) pre-financing guarantee.
Amount: Crédit Agricole Group finances your cash requirement, within the limit of the pre-financing insurance budget validated by Bpifrance Assurance Export.
The percentage of cover for pre-financing insurance is:
- 80% maximum for companies for which turnover is less than or equal to € 150 million,
- 50 % for other companies.
Currency: the currency for export pre-financing credit is the euro.
Term: Bpifrance Assurance Export insurance covers the period of execution of your export contract.
The term of this export financing is based on the guarantee period of Bpifrance Assurance Export.
Your needs
- your export contracts include a long production phase requiring significant working capital requirement,
- The contracts do not provide for sufficient down payments to finance their execution
You need flexibility in your cash flow because: