The consumer
- Consumer Profile
Poland has a population of 37.77 million, of which 51.6% are women (Data Reportal, 2022). In terms of age structure, 15% of the population is between 0 and 14 years old, 65% between 15 and 64 and 19% are 65 or older (World Bank, 2021); with the median age being 42.5 years (Data Reportal, 2022). With 1.4 children per woman, Poland is average for European countries. Life expectancy at birth is 78.76 years (CIA, 2022). Poland’s population is declining as many people move abroad. By 2030, Poland could see its population shrink by 1 to 2 million. The proportion of the rural population is expected to decline at a faster rate than the urban population. 60.2% of the population is urban (Data Reportal, 2022). In Poland, the average dwelling comprises 1.1 rooms per person, compared to the OECD average of 1.8 rooms per person. In Poland, 93% of adults aged 25-64 have completed upper secondary education, higher than the OECD average of 79%, and among the highest rates in the OECD. Completion varies slightly between men and women, as 93% of men have successfully completed high-school, compared with 94% of women. Poland is one of the best performing countries in terms of the quality of its education system. In terms of employment, In Poland, 69% of the working-age population aged 15 to 64 has a paid job. This figure is higher than the OECD employment average of 66% (OECD, 2021). In Poland, the gender pay gap stands at 8.7 % (the average gender pay gap in the OECD is 11.7%).
Consumer behaviour depends on the level of income, which is generally lower in rural areas. However, the last decade has seen the growth of a middle class, whose income levels are in line with the average European wage. Rising levels of disposable income have triggered an increase in consumer spending, a trend that is expected to continue in the foreseeable future.
Although the majority of the country’s workforce is employed in the service sector, the other dominant occupations in the country are the financial sector, chemical manufacturing, logistics and the IT / telecommunications sector. - Purchasing Power
- Poland’s GDP per capita at purchasing power parity was USD 37,502.6 in 2021 according to World Bank data. Over the past decade, a coherent middle class has developed, whose income levels correspond to the average European wage. Although, Polish people earn USD 32,527 per year on average, much less than the OECD average of USD 49,165. In Poland, the average household net adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 23,675 a year, lower than the OECD average of USD 30,490 (OECD, 2021). The Gini index, which measures levels of inequality in the country, rose to 30.2, according to the latest World Bank data. In terms of the 2021 Gender Equality index, Poland scored 56.6 out of 100. Poland ranks 23rd in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Poland’s score is 11.4 points below the EU’s score.
- Consumer Behaviour
The majority of Polish consumers tend to take into account various factors when making purchase-related decisions (quality, price, origin), but remain loyal to a brand once they perceive it as reliable and trustworthy. For the middle and upper classes, quality and brand are increasingly important, as is the overall level of service during and after purchase; they are willing to pay more for products offering better quality and more benefits. Although there are many shopping malls and super / hypermarkets, the Polish consumer likes to shop in different shops and markets, and small or medium sized local stores. Sales and discounts are very popular. Polish consumers generally prefer products made in Poland, but this attitude is changing thanks to the rise of e-commerce and Marketplace. Although advertising campaigns are important, most publicity is through word of mouth. Poles are used to shopping every day of the week, at any time of the day or night. Polish consumers are particularly tempted by testing new products especially if they have been advertised on television or radio. In general, promotions, including competitions and couponing work very well in Poland.
Following the outbreak of the COVID-19, the prevailing sentiment among Polish consumers is similar to those in other European countries, with uncertainty about health and the economy as the biggest concerns, according to Mckinsey. The majority of Poles are being careful about expenditures, and spending expectations have declined across categories. Consumers are shifting to online shopping for household essentials.
The organic food sector is becoming increasingly important, with Poles improving their lifestyles and taking more care of their health and well-being. For example, Poles are moving away from packaged and processed products in favour of fresh fruit and vegetables. Collaborative platforms, such as Uber, Mytaxi and AirBnB are very popular in big cities such as Krakow and Warsaw. - Consumer Recourse to Credit
The use of credit is quite developed (there is a lot of advertising by institutions offering credit) and the level of savings is low. Polish consumers use credit not only for investment goods, but also for everyday consumer goods and leisure activities. There is a downward trend in the average value of loans, due in part to an increase in the average number of consumer credit loans in Poland. According to the Credit Information Office (BIK), Poles took out roughly 9 million loans totalling EUR 32 billion, an increase of 5.5% on the previous year. Mortgage lending recorded the highest growth in value at 11.1% compared to 2016. The value of overdraft limits increased by 6.4% and the value of consumer credit by 3.5%.
Credit cards experienced a low growth rate of (0.8%). At the same time, in December 2017, BIK announced that the value of money borrowed by consumers in the form of credit cards had decreased by 9% compared to the year before. - Growing Sectors
Construction (houses / apartments) furnishings / decoration (building related), IT, hygiene-beauty-cosmetics, pharmaceutical products, private medicine, education, consumer products, travel and tourism, banking and insurance.
- Consumers Associations
Competition Authority and Consumer Protection Bureau