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Head of International Desk Middle East, Turkey

Support by the
Crédit Agricole group

Last updated: August 2024

Crédit Agricole Group's International Desk in the Middle East mainly provides support to the Group's corporate clients in Bahrain for their local operations, specially regulatory advice, account openings, financing, issuing market guarantees, information and advice.

The Group relies on Ahli United Bank for the banking part and on Team France Export for non-banking support.


Means of payment

With Bahrain

Company cheque

Bank cheque

SWIFT transfer

Documentary remittance

Documentary credit


Weak / None

Weak / None






Advice from the
international desk

General Information

The Kingdom of Bahrain, the smallest state in the Middle East and the Achilles heel of the GCC. Its capital, Manama, is the economic heart of the kingdom. Bahrain has seen the steady decline in production of oil reserves since 1970 and pushed to take steps to diversify its economy, in the process of developing products from oil processing and refining, aluminum production, hospitality and retail.

Bahrain's economy is closely linked to the price of hydrocarbons and recent price increases tend to reduce the public deficit and its external financial dependence, particularly on government agencies and donor members of the GCC. Bahrain holds a KIA sovereign fund worth nearly $500 billion. However, the decline in the economy continues to affect state budgets and its public finances and could, through a domino effect, impact its sovereign fund.

It is important to note that there is a difference with the West regarding the weekend: Friday-Saturday.


Means of Payment & Banking Specificities

Payment methods usually used internationally are available. However, when it comes to imports, specific procedures and documentary constraints must be taken into account (legalization, rule of origin, supporting documents, etc.). Prioritize the deposit and secure the balance by confirmed documentary credit.

Sources: CCI – Business France – CA SA – FMI-CBB


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