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Dominique Sigros
Head of International Desk Central and Eastern Europe

Support by the
Crédit Agricole group

Last updated: August 2023

The Crédit Agricole Group has a presence in Austria with:

  • its representative office Crédit AgricoIe Corporate and Investment Bank in Vienna,
  • Amundi Austria GmbH (asset management)

For more information see the list of Crédit Agricole Group locations

Its International Desk based in Vienna covers all of Central and Eastern Europe and provides support to the Group’s business clients across Austria to help them implement their operations on location, particularly financial advice, opening accounts, financing residents and providing information on local businesses.

It makes use of the Group’s business units and a local frontline partner bank with a significant network of offices in Austria.

For non-banking matters, the International Desk offers the support of local law, notary and accounting offices and its partners as well as expertise in business internationalisation.



Means of payment

With Austria

Company cheque

Bank cheque

SWIFT transfer

Bill of exchange

Promissory note

Documentary remittance

Documentary credit


Weak / None

Weak / None


Weak / None

Weak / None

Weak / None



Advice from the
international desk

General Information

Austria is home to a flourishing economy, extremely high purchasing power (recently hit by high inflation) and high social stability. The country’s geographic location gives it an undeniable strategic advantage. Many businesses have their general headquarters for Central and Eastern Europe, the natural and traditional market for Austria, in Vienna. Germany and Italy are Austria’s main competitors. The Austrian market is dominated by large businesses and commercial presence is crucial for developing a significant share in the market. The corporate tax rate stands at 25%. Some entities, such as trusts, benefit from specific tax regulations which can be advantageous. On the other hand, the tax rates for individuals are higher than those in France.


Means of Payment & Banking Specificities

Cheques are rarely used in Austria, apart from by certain administrative and insurance companies.


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