The consumer
- Consumer Profile
With a GDP per capita of USD 31,580 (IMF, 2021), the Maltese consumer is now among the wealthiest in the Mediterranean (after Italy and Spain). The population is growing marginally (0.75% in 2021) and the median age was 42.3 years old in 2020 (CIA World Factbook's estimations).
Most of the population live in cities (94.7% urbanisation rate in 2020 - CIA World Factbook) and there are no significant income inequalities among different regions or social groups with Malta having one of the lowest Gini index scores in the world (28 out of 100 in 2019 - Eurostat, latest data available). - Consumer Behaviour
Malta has a more vibrant consumer market than the regional average. All markets perform better than the EU average (meat, non-prescription medicine, fruit and vegetables in particular), except for books, magazines and newspapers, and entertainment goods, which are in line with the average (EU Consumer Markets Scoreboard, latest data available). Consumer confidence increased until January 2020, but following the COVID-19 crisis, it fell sharply, in November 2020 the consumer confidence index was -10.7 points and was -7.9 points in March 2021 (Eurostat). Maltese consumers are increasingly online, the internet penetration rate in Malta stood at 91% in 2020 (Kepios), and are turning to e-commerce.
According to the Malta Future Consumer Survey, conducted in 2020 by EY, the general perception is that in the future, once the pandemic is over, there will be a return to pre-COVID-19 spending levels in almost all categories. However, affordability remains a concern, with 67% of respondents saying they are cautious about spending and 45% saying they will postpone major purchases. In addition, retailers need to remain aware of the growing interest in contactless delivery and payment systems that were highlighted by respondents. 54% of consumers prefer to shop online, rising to 78% for people up to 40 years of age; while 53% expect contactless payment and delivery. - Consumers Associations
Malta Office for Consumer Affairs (MCCAA)
Association for Consumer Rights Malta (ACR Malta)