On Friday December 3 the Colloquium Italy, organized by Business France, took place in the French Senate on the theme "Recovery plan in Italy, what levers and what synergies for companies?". This event brought together 70 companies, including around twenty clients of the Crédit Agricole Group, as well as numerous authorities of the two countries, including the Italian Ambassador to France, Teresa CASTALDO.
The speakers recalled the deep links between Italy and France as well as the opportunities created by these strong bilateral relations, and recently reinforced by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and the Quirinal Treaty.
Olivier Guilhamon, Deputy Managing Director Corporate and Credit of Crédit Agricole Italia, declared during the round table, “Next Generation EU and PNRR are extraordinary measures which will play a fundamental role in the revival of Italy and its economic fabric and productive. In addition, the Quirinal Treaty will further strengthen the link with France, by enhancing the fruitful links which historically unite the two countries. In this scenario, the banking system is called upon to play an active role by acting mainly in two directions: facilitating the access and distribution of public funds and injecting additional resources in support of development and growth. The Crédit Agricole group, which has been present in Italy for more than forty years and is well aware of its potential, is already working to allow the country to take full advantage of all the opportunities of this economic situation, confirming its commitment alongside companies to support them in their development and growth plans ”.
Carlo FERRO, President of ITA - Italian Trade Agency, Frédéric KAPLAN, Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs in Italy, Director General of the Treasury, and Christian MASSET, Ambassador of France in Italy, also participated in the round table dedicated to the Italian recovery plan.
The France-Italy axis is currently at the heart of Teamfrance Export actions, as illustrated by this Italy conference in the Senate on December 3, as well as the Franco-Italian accelerator launched on December 15 by Bpifrance. The Crédit Agricole group is fully collaborating in this, relying on the partnerships developed by the Crédit Agricole group's International Business Solutions Department with Teamfrance Export (Notably France Italy Chamber of Commerce and Industry).